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  • "Big Event" Planning Meeting

"Big Event" Planning Meeting

  • Thursday, February 19, 2015
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Corner Bakery Cafe, 1551 Niagara Falls Blvd., Amherst


Registration is closed

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of our chapter, we'd like to host a "big event" in the Spring of 2015.  We need your help! Please come to our third planning meeting (even if you weren't at the first ones).  All chapter members are welcome.  Food will be provided.

For the next steps we will talk about the Pluses, Potentials and Concerns.  Then we will spend some time overcoming those concerns and rewriting the statement of what we see ourselves doing.  Then we will brainstorm the steps we need to take to accomplish the big event.  Lastly, we will take these post it's and put them into an action plan. 

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Chapter ChIP Code CH2043

ATD Buffalo Niagara

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ATD Buffalo | 716.648.0972 | PO Box 888 Hamburg, New York 14075-0888

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