Thank you for your interest in understanding what each board position contributes to the overall success of our chapter. Though each position requires different capabilities and strengths, the common strand amongst them is the level of engagement and drive to continue to take our chapter to the next level.
The networking opportunities are endless. The sky is the limit in terms of leadership development. The connection with ATD is strong as they are just as committed to the success of our chapter. And leading a non-profit, from the board level, offers tremendous opportunity for personal learning and growth.
- Networking and leadership development.
- An expanded understanding of Talent Development because of knowledge acquired through ATD.
- High visibility within Chapter and Talent Development community.
- Ability to lead committees, delegate tasks, and monitor progress.
- Ability to plan, organize, and evaluate chapter activities.
- Effective verbal communication, diplomacy, personal interaction, and problem-solving.
- Ability to build, motivate, and lead a team of volunteers.
- ATD (national) membership.
Interested in Board Membership? Send email with your questions or one-page cover letter and resume to for consideration. Thank you.

As Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter, the President is responsible for managing the chapter in accordance with the Chapter’s Bylaws and the State of New York. It is his/her responsibility to provide leadership, to exercise general supervision over chapter activities and to conduct Chapter affairs in accordance with the Chapter bylaws and/or operating rules.
The President maintains contact with all officers, directors, committee chairs and members of his/her Chapter Board. The President must have the ability to motivate these individuals into a performance of excellence. This can be done by:
Assuming responsibility and delegating authority.
Rendering guidance and counsel.
Listening to constructive criticism and making corrective adjustments.
Possessing humility and respecting the rights and feelings of others.
Dealing with unpleasant subjects and situations in a fair and just manner.
Conducting yourself at all times in a way that would add prestige, dignity, and honor to the office of President.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
- Presiding all meetings, formulating the overall plans for the various activities with which the local Chapter will become engaged.
- Developing strategic partnerships with other local organizations that will benefit the ATD membership.
- Overseeing activities and development of other officers and functional chairs.
- In conjunction with the VPs of Marketing and Communications, assure the website is current and functioning properly.
- Presiding in a firm, competent, tactful and just manner.
- Requiring progress reports from each officer and committee chair each month and compare them with previously described programs and activities.
- Assure a strategic plan is implemented, reviewed and redesigned yearly.
- Keeping up-to-date in the talent development profession by reading and participating in related activities as possible.
- In conjunction with the VP of Chapter Services, maintain close contact with ATD headquarters and other chapters.
- Submit progress reports to the membership to keep them informed about Chapter activities.
Time Required & Recommended Training
Approximately twelve (12) hours per month
Leadership Development knowledge and training
Chapter orientation
National Leadership Conference
Helpful Skills
- Strong communication skills
- Excellent organization and leadership skills

The President Elect assists the Chapter President in performance of chapter management duties, automatically succeeding to President and participates in the recruitment of board members to lead the chapter in the succeeding year. The President Elect observes and witnesses all activities of the Board, membership and programs to prepare for the leadership role in the following year.
Principle Duties & Responsibilities
Prepare for next year by becoming familiar with past board activities and goals. At annual transition meeting, leads the chapter's vision, mission, and direction planning process and is prepared to communicate and gain chapter member commitment.
Attend chapter board and monthly program meetings.
Attend committee meetings, as possible, to understand how the committees work and their priorities.
Assist VP Chapter Services, as needed, to complete yearly CARE submission in January.
Develop next year’s budget in conjunction with VP of Finance and supports the president in overseeing sound financial status of chapter by monitoring monthly budget reports.
Support and assist President, as needed, in areas related to board meetings, chapter meetings and committee/SIG meetings.
Support chapter succession planning to include serving on the Nominating Committee for the following year, recruiting new board members and managing the chapter’s succession process.
Represents chapter professionally and ethically in all business functions/organizational activities.
Time Required & Recommended Training
Term: Three Years: Year 1 – president elect, Year 2 – president, Year 3 - immediate past president
Estimated Time Requirements: approximately sixteen (16) hours per month.
- Leadership Development knowledge and training
Chapter orientation
National Leadership Conference
Helpful Skills
- Strong communication skills
- Excellent organization and leadership skills

The Vice President of Chapter Services is responsible for providing all professional development and placement services, community service and special interest group services to Chapter; members. This position is also the liaison to ATD. He/she directs activities of the Chapter Services Committee and oversees committee’s budget.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
- Attends all Board meetings and reports on committee activities.
- Attends all Chapter Program Meetings.
- Maintains current membership in the local and national ATD organization.
- Appoints Special Interest Groups (SIG) chair for activities and formation of new SIGs when interest arises and solicits members for each SIG.
- Partners with national ATD to submit and achieve chapter related awards and promote results to members and the community by working with the chapter VP of Communications.
- Develops and oversees an annual Chapter Services budget.
- Designs a Chapter calendar of national support services; conferences calls; conferences and training activities and works with the Board to identify Chapter representation for the activities.
- Responsible for coordinating and executing the annual Chapter recognition event.
- Establish and coordinate a referral program for members of the community looking for training resources
Time Required & Recommended Training
Approximately six (6) hours per month
Transitional training with outgoing VP of Chapter Services
Attend one or more committee meetings with current VP of Chapter Services
Helpful Skills
Strong communication skills
Excellent organization skills and leadership ability
Excellent attention to detail

The Vice President of Marketing & Communications is responsible for keeping the minutes of the Board meetings and Executive Board meetings, handling necessary correspondence, managing media relations, and managing the Public Relations Committee and the Government Affairs Committee. This position is also responsible for oversight of the web site, sending electronic communications (eblasts), and leveraging social media and other technologies to advocate the chapter.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
- Attends all Board meetings and Executive Board meetings, takes minutes of the proceedings and distribute minutes to all Board members within two (2) weeks of the meeting.
- Handles other correspondence as appropriate.
- Updates the Operations Manual, as needed.
- Prepares flyers for monthly programs and events, using web-based announcements.
- Create media plan.
- Media relations.
- Sends marketing e-blasts as needed.
- Maintains website.
- Develops and implements chapter marketing strategy.
- Develops and executes social media plan.
Time Required & Training Recommended
Approximately ten (16) hours per month, including Board and Executive Board Meetings
- Traditional training with outgoing Vice President of Marketing & Communications
- Guidance from President
Helpful Skills
- Good communications skills
- Management abilities
- Comfortable with technology

The VP of Finance is responsible for keeping the financial records of the Chapter; setting up bank accounts, and paying bills promptly. As a Board member, he/she provides leadership and organization for the local Chapter in the areas of financial policy, procedures, investment planning and goal setting. The VP of Finance also coordinates the fundraising efforts.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
- Attends all Board and Executive Board meetings and presents monthly and annual financial reports.
- Deposits income into checking account.
- Pays authorized bills.
- Maintains accurate and detailed records of income and expenses.
- Prepares special reports as requested by the Board or President.
- Manages the Fundraising Chair when needed.
- Ensures financial records are audited at least every three years.
- Attends all monthly meetings to man registration desk or designates an alternate.
- Completes appropriate section of the Chapter Awards Program.
Time Required & Training Recommended
Estimated Time Requirements: approximately eight (8) hours per month.
- Transitional training with outgoing VP of Finance
- Chapter orientation
- Use of Financial Management Book from ATD
Helpful Skills
- Strong financial skills
- Knowledge of bookkeeping
- Ability to work with details, records and figures

The Vice President of Membership is responsible for coordinating within the Chapter all aspects of recruitment and retention of Chapter members, including the keeping of accurate, current, and complete records on all Chapter members.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
- Works with all Chapter leaders to build understanding that membership development is everyone’s responsibility and to integrate membership development into their respective roles.
- Forms and chairs a Membership Committee.
- Attends all Board of Directors meetings and reports about current membership and solicitation efforts.
- Develops a budget for membership activities.
- Encourages membership in ATD and provides appropriate information on ATD at monthly meetings.
- Speaks at monthly meetings regarding pertinent matters related to membership.
- Initiates invitation letters to prospective members.
- Supervises and annually reviews the renewal process including notification of renewal, materials to be included, and thank you letters.
- Supervises the design, distribution, acknowledgement and welcome materials for new members.
- Writes membership solicitation materials for Chapter e-blasts and websites.
- Directs membership drives to specific target populations, as approved by the Board.
- Works with Chapter Services Vice President to enhance the Chapter Awards Program.
- Attends Chapter Program meetings.
- Directs new members to the Orientation Program.
Time Required & Training Recommended
Approximately twelve (12) hours per month
- Serve as a member of the Membership Committee
- Chapter orientation
- National Leadership Conference
Helpful Skills
- Strong communication skills
- Excellent organization and supervision skills

The Vice President – Programs chairs the Programs Committee for the chapter and is responsible for establishing educational programs for the professional development of members, including:
- Speakers for monthly programs on topics associated with core competencies of the training and development profession
- Facilitating Chapter programs
- Assists Chapter with special events and conferences
- Assists the Chapter in requesting feedback on an ongoing basis from attendees and members regarding topics and skills of interest.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
The Committee will solicit qualified speakers in the core competency areas and special topics and create a diverse and comprehensive program offering from among the most highly qualified speakers. With the assistance of the Program Committee, the Vice President – Programs will:
- Solicit program sponsorship (e.g., door prizes and underwriting)
- Arrange for honorarium or other gift for each speaker
- Coordinate with the hosting organization on arrangements for audio-visual equipment, refreshments, parking, and other logistics as necessary
- Arrange for each speaker to be met, introduced, and assisted with both set-up and take-down
- Obtain feedback from attendees on program applicability and quality and share tabulated feedback with the Board and with the pertinent speaker
- Arrange for an electronic copy of presentation to be posted on the chapter website
- Prepares speaker bio and program description for Communication Committee posting to web and e-blasts
- Interfaces with Chapter electronic event software for registration information
Time Required & Training Recommended
Approximately twelve (12) hours per month
Serve as a member of the Program Committee
National Leadership Conference
Chapter electronic event software
Helpful Skills
- Strong communication skills
- Excellent organization and leadership skills

The Past President serves in an advisory role to the President, President Elect, and Chapter as a whole, and provides guidance and expertise as a knowledgeable member of the board. He/She advises on past practices and operations in accordance with the chapter bylaws. Upon request, he/she assists officers in performing their duties.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
Serves as acting president if both the president and president elect are unavailable
- Supports the president and president elect in achieving chapter goals
- Advises chapter officers on relevant issues
- Participates in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter
- Participates in succession planning, including recruiting new board members
- Ensures that successors for all positions are identified and properly trained in advance of assuming the position
- Prepares submissions for Chapter Excellence Award nominations, if applicable
- Attends all monthly membership and board of directors meetings
Time Required & Training Recommended
Approximately eight (8) hours per month
- Serve as a member of the board and most recently as chapter present
- Chapter orientation
- National Leadership Conference
Helpful Skills
- Strong communication skills
- Excellent organization and supervision skills

The Vice President of Sponsorship oversees the chapter’s sponsor, partner, and vendor recruiting efforts; working closely with the President and VP of Finance to identify and solicit sponsorships from local/regional businesses and professional organizations that result in a reciprocal beneficial relationship, including a source of revenue for the chapter.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
Develops and implements a strategy to identify, engage and motivate sponsors.
The Vice President of Sponsorships will collaborate with respective Vice Presidents to source potential support for monthly programs to help offset operating cost.
The Vice President will educate vendors who aid programs and special events on the sponsorship program and obtain marketing materials from them prior to the program.
Work with the VP of Finance to ensure sponsorship invoices have been generated in a timely manner.
Serves as an advocate for the community internally with VPs of Finance, and VP of Membership and other appropriate functions on the status of Sponsorship.
Works closely with the Programs committee to identify annual sponsorship resources
Ensure all commitments for space and time during the program year have been successfully planned for in advance.
Works closely with appropriate VPs on special sponsorship projects (e.g. workshops, website and news blasts).
Reports monthly progress in board meetings
This position is a voting role.
Time Required & Training Recommended
Term: Two years
Approximately eight (20) hours per month
Serve as a member of the ATD Buffalo board
Chapter orientation
National Leadership Conference
Helpful Skills
Strong professional relationships in the Buffalo Niagara community
Strong communication skills
Excellent organization and supervision skills
Strong analytical and networking skills

The Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is responsible for advancing the chapter’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) goals set by the President and Board. In partnership with the board leadership, they design and execute DEI approaches that achieve board and membership buy-in and build trust. This person plans and facilitates ongoing relationship-building and DEI growth opportunities for the chapter. They work closely with Programming, Marketing, and Communications to publicize diversity programs within the Chapter and Membership.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
Recommends a Chapter DEI framework: Chapter DEI definition and strategic approaches that supports the execution of DEI strategy set by the ATD Buffalo Niagara President.
Designs a Chapter DEI framework that is supported by the board and allows Chapter to grow its organizational cultural intelligence and work differently as a board and organization.
Connects with ATD National and other DEI Chapter state and area leaders.
Attends monthly board meeting and regularly engages the board in regular listening sessions and membership dialogues to identify new diversity, equity, and inclusion membership opportunities,
Supports the board in intercultural awareness around the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices in Chapter business and ATD Buffalo Niagara membership.
Identifies proactive board recruitment strategies and processes to tap into new networks to help diverse talent development professionals.
Networks with other local, Chapter and National level DEI leaders.
Coordinates with the President and VP of Programming on DEI initiatives and annual programming.
Coordinates with the VP of Communications and Marketing on the rollout and communication plans of DEI initiatives for the chapter, including distributing DEI resources and information to Chapter membership.
Supports the incorporation of DEI best practices within the Chapter.
Time Required & Training Recommended
Term: Two Years
Estimated Time Requirements: approximately 12 -15 hours per month.
Chapter Orientation
Monthly Board Meetings
Working Team Meetings
Attendance at NAC calls
ATD Chapter Leadership trainings
Networking meetings
Experience and Skills
Bachelor’s Degree in field related to Talent Development field, such as Organizational Development, Education, Human Resources, Business Administration, with at least two years working in DEI space or two years in Talent Development area and DEI certification
Proven success in turning ideas and best practices into action
Exceptional oral and written communication skills, including as a facilitator