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  • December 2015 Program - World Café: Nourishing Networking

December 2015 Program - World Café: Nourishing Networking

  • Wednesday, December 09, 2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Corner Bakery 1551 Niagara Falls Blvd Buffalo, NY 14228


  • Commit early to this 3-program series and receive a discount on your registration.
  • For active members
  • Discounted rate for BNHRA Members
  • Did you attend the Future of Talent Development workshop in September? Register using the special promotion code you received during the event and save an additional $5 off the Fall Bundle price!
  • Discounted rate for students

Registration is closed

During Employee Learning Week ATD would like to explore a creative way to connect and collaborate.  In a World Cafe, participants move between a series of tables where they continue a discussion in response to a set of questions, which are predetermined and focused on the specific goals Our facilitator and café host Michaelene Dawson will guide us through the experience and provide us with team questions revolving around how we learn, resources we can share with each other and best practices on how to showcase a return on investment in learning. Drawing on seven integrated design principles, the World Café methodology is a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue. If you have never experienced a World Café you are in for a real treat. Come network, collaborate and learn.

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ATD Buffalo Niagara

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ATD Buffalo | 716.648.0972 | PO Box 888 Hamburg, New York 14075-0888

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