Competency Area: Integrated Talent Development
Join us for October's Book Club: Connection Culture The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy and Understanding At Work, by Michael Lee Stallard. We'll be discussing the book, sharing our perspectives, and exploring how a Connection Culture applies in our organizations. Michael has been featured by the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. You can read other articles he's published at
Then in November, you'll have a chance to meet Michael at our monthly program. Get the most out of his presentation and be prepared to learn about the importance and value a connected culture brings to organizations and teams.
You can purchase your copy of Connection Culture at the ATD store. Remember to use our chip code at checkout CH2043.
Looking forward to seeing you at both events!
Email Us:
ATD Buffalo | 716.648.0972 | PO Box 888 Hamburg, New York 14075-0888