Please join us for a very special event on Thursday, July 23 from 12:00-1:30pm.
MURAL: Using Visuals to Create Meaningful Experiences
Over the last 4 months, our interactions with colleagues, clients, and close ones have been boxed into a digital screen. This sense of being packaged in becomes even more pervasive as we stare at zoom videos and all the straight edges of the digital platforms we have come to rely upon for our collaborations online. These straight edges imply that the human experience can be standardized and neatly packaged into our digital boxes.
However, we know from our personal experience that to be human is a rich, organic, colorful, and sometimes messy business. There are few straight lines and the beauty lies in the unexpected connections and points of intersection that are created as we diverge from the straight and narrow.
By integrating visuals into our work we break down the silos created by the digital platforms. We disrupt not just what we see but also how we think. We bring the human element back into our interactions and return some of the organic creativity that has been lost. In this session, Ismet and Claudia will share how they have integrated visuals into their work and invite you to consider how you might do the same.
About the Presenters:
Claudia Lopez
Is a visual facilitator and strategic illustrator focused on supporting & collaborating with visionary organizations who are up to transforming this world into an equitable one where we all thrive.
She uses visuals as intentional tools to foster the connection, understanding and collective sense-making needed to move us towards transformative change. As a witness and scribe of people's ideas and truths she works with humility and care, attending to diversity and difference of race, gender, ability, language and power in ways that seek to support a more equitable world and disrupt dominant/oppressive narratives. She also holds fostering creativity and making people feel heard and seen through her work as an important and healing part of it.
Originally from Mexico, she is based in Brooklyn NY.
To see some of her work you can visit: Claudia Lopez PORTFOLIO
Ismet Mamnoon
Ismet (Izzy) Mamnoon is a change catalyst. She started her career as an auditor and financial consultant at Pricewaterhouse Coopers and evolved to become a serial entrepreneur and now works as a facilitator translating creativity from theory into practice. She was first drawn to the field of creativity and innovation when she became a parent. She speaks intimately about her journey on the TEDx stage.
Ismet is the founder and guardian of imagination of Beyonder which offers training and facilitation for Parents, Educators and Youth with the mission of using creativity as the means to unlock the human potential of the next generation. Her acumen for applied creativity is evident in her diverse range of projects and clients that include large organizations, entrepreneurs, governments, academics, not-for-profits, the armed forces, educators, parents, and children all over the world. Her clients range in age from 5 to “undisclosed” and she has been known to facilitate just about anyone anywhere including but not limited to complete strangers in coffee shop queues and Marines at the Pentagon.
Ismet was recently featured in TIME magazine’s article When schools get creative in their special edition on the Science of Creativity for her creative approach to parenting and for the work she does globally to weave creativity into education. She is a graduate of the International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State where she received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence, the President’s Medal for Outstanding Graduate Student at Buffalo State, and the Firestien Family Creative Achievement award for her work in the field of creative thinking and facilitation. She is a certified facilitator of FourSight, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Polarity Thinking, and Accelerated Learning.
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