Webinar Description:
Setting the Conditions for Psychological Safety
“Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.” Amy Edmondson
Psychological safety has gained prominence over the past several years.
As talent development professionals, we will discuss and construct what works and does not work to develop psychologically safe workplaces.
How can we set the conditions for psychologically safe workplaces to emerge?
In this discussion, we will;
Discuss how psychological safety is different from trust within workplaces.
Explore and identify how to set conditions for a psychologically safe workplace to emerge and adapt through challenges and successes.
Co-construct what we can do as talent development professionals to create psychologically safe learning spaces.
Suggested Pre-reading:
Psychological Safety – Trust and learning within organizations
Building a psychologically safe workplace
Foster psychological safety
About the Presenter:
Mike Cardus
Mike has focused expertise in team building, managerial-leadership, and organization development. Frequently asked to create solutions to address the development of high-performance teams, retention of talent, the innovation of product and profit streams, group conflict, coaching of leaders, developing systems to drive positive behaviors, and development of knowledge to increase organizational and personal effectiveness. Working primarily with teams and management within these organizations, his role has been honed to coach, counsel, facilitate and conduct focused group work.
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