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  • Virtual Coffee Connections - Special Event hosted by Katherine Marchiano!

Virtual Coffee Connections - Special Event hosted by Katherine Marchiano!

  • Friday, October 08, 2021
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Virtual Zoom event


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During this workshop, you will experience and learn the XCHANGE facilitation approach to unlocking collective wisdom at speed and scale, while maximizing engagement, learning and creativity…. all VIRTUALLY!  This approach can be used easily in the in-person environment as well. We will be using Psychological Safety and Appreciative Inquiry (AI) principles. The core factors that make AI effective are:

  • The use of positive questions to generate meaningful conversations around shared purpose, vision and actions.
  • A shift in mindset from a deficit based, negative way of thinking about what isn’t working to a positive and possibility mindset where focus is on strengths from the past, the present and a vision for the future; and
  • A shift in the structure of conversations from silo or top down. It expands the participants in the conversation to include the whole system – all the key stakeholders - by trusting the wisdom and perspectives that diversity brings to the table.

Speaker Bio:

Katherine earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from SUNY Fredonia, and Master of Education in Higher Ed Administration from SUNY Buffalo. She is currently the Global Talent Development Manager for Ingram Micro, where she has worked for 8 years. In her role, Katherine has the privilege of leading the strategy for learning & development across the organization, and thrives on bringing the global learning community together to collaborate and share best practices. She is an experienced Facilitator and Instructional Designer, and loves finding new and creative ways to keep learners engaged!

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