Webinar Description:
Do hybrid teams work?
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed the edges of how we work, how work gets done, and who is on your team.
A hybrid team is a flexible work structure where some employees work remotely, and other team members work from a central location or office. Hybrid team structures allow employees to decide whether they prefer an office environment or working from anywhere remotely.
Also, we’ve seen foundational tenets of work teams remain constant, and much of the research done almost 70 years ago is still relevant. An emerging and necessary skill for any person will be understanding and working with hybrid teams.
In this discussion, we will explore: 1. What works best and worst with hybrid work teams 2. Models and methods in team design and structure that support hybrid work teams 3. The edges of research in team development and the losses plus benefits for hybrid work teams
Please, come to this discussion with your experiences, opinions, and ideas.
About the Presenter:
Mike Cardus has focused expertise in team building, managerial-leadership, and organization development. Frequently asked to create solutions to address the development of high-performance teams, retention of talent, the innovation of product and profit streams, group conflict, coaching of leaders, developing systems to drive positive behaviors, and development of knowledge to increase organizational and personal effectiveness. Working primarily with teams and management within these organizations, his role has been honed to coach, counsel, facilitate and conduct focused group work.
Learn more about Mike
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